RSS Aggregate This

Merriam Webster defines aggregate as something formed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or amount. Okay. According to Wikipedia, the word aggregator refers to a web site or computer software that aggregates a specific type of information from multiple online sources. That can be a news aggregator, data aggregator, search aggregator, and all different types of aggrigators.

Then of course is the RSS feed aggregator. RSS aggregators, also known as feed aggregators, do exactly what it sounds like they do. Feed aggregators are simply applications or software that put together all the incoming news and updates on a certain topic and present them to the reader in a simple rotating format.

When a business adds feed aggregators to websites, people basically sign up who want to read the information they are sending out. Then whatever information tthe business adds to their feed aggregators appears on their informative ticker on the reader screen. In certain industries it makes sense for companies to add feed aggregators to websites. For example, any company having anything to do with the stock market would add RSS feeds to websites. Perhaps music bands with an insane followings might add feed aggregators to their website. The weather service might find it valuable to add feed aggregators to websites. Any company or organization whose followers could somehow benefit, or be interested in, a continuous steady stream of information might consider adding feed aggregators to websites.

To add feed aggregators to websites is like having a continuous newsletter. Also, continuous updates to your website like those that clicked through the feed aggregator will attract the attention of search engines making your website more searchable. If you were to add feed aggregators to websites, then every time you updated your feed users would clock through to your website to read the goods. Again, this would greatly increase the number of click throughs and traffic your website would receive and make your ranking on search engines even higher.